Team’s best leads,


inside your inbox

From daily updates to 1 hour. No more manual checking and pinging. Get notifications of takeaways of the meetings directly in Slack/email in real-time

video meeting

We have saved thousands of of hours for hundreds of people

No more messages to check-in

Wake up to meeting takeaways inside your email inbox/Slack, without having to send out reminders or messages to check in.

Answers based on your qualification criteria

Get relevant meeting notes, by customizing your templates so that all the key qualification questions will be answered in the meeting summary, all based on the meeting transcript

Closer Meeting discovers customer insights from your calls. Summarize recurrent themes; note-take on and share actionable notes for customers and colleagues who didn’t join the call; review and read meetings recordings anytime in your language

Before we had Closer Meeting, we would have to get on calls with sales folks to get meeting debriefs. Feedback was slow and very messy
— Founder of HR Startup

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